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Wellbeing at work - Fertility 

Offering corporate clients cutting-edge fertility programs to support and enhance employee well-being.

Empowering employees

In today's fast-paced corporate world, where work-life balance can sometimes feel like an elusive goal, it's crucial to address the unique challenges faced by fertility patients. That's where I come in, offering a groundbreaking approach to support HR leaders and managers in understanding the practical and psychological hurdles these individuals encounter.

By partnering with me, you'll have access to 15+ years of personal and professional experience and evidence-based strategies designed to transform your workforce. My mentoring, coaching and workshops are proven to guide leaders, managers and employees from feelings of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety to a place of calm, control, and confidence – enabling them to give their best to both their career and personal lives.

Here's how

Increased profits

By providing your employees with the necessary support and tools to navigate fertility challenges, you're fostering a more engaged and focused workforce. Research shows that happy and fulfilled employees are more productive, leading to increased profits for your company.


By investing in fertility coaching, you're signaling to your employees that you care about their well-being. This can significantly boost their overall happiness and satisfaction, leading to higher morale and improved retention rates.


Fertility challenges can be a major stressor for individuals, leading to increased sick days and potential turnover. By providing a supportive environment and empowering your workforce, you'll see a dramatic decrease in absenteeism and turnover rates, translating into savings for your company.

The challenge

According to the new report out by the World Health Organisation infertility now affects 1 in 6 couples globally, that’s nearly 18% of your workforce at any one time. 

Fertility however is not just a global health care concern it is also an important workplace issue. 

Infertility is on the rise and the journey to having a baby can be physically, emotionally and financially for many couples worldwide. Research has shown many people experiencing fertility problems are reluctant to speak to their employer about it because they fear it may have a detrimental effect on their career.


People who say fertility support and police was very important.


People who say that productivity at work was impacted yet 37% said they received little or no support from their workplace. 


Employees who took time off from work without telling their employer why.


Employees who end up leaving their jobs because of the impact fertility treatment had.

My goal

Open up discussion so those that are facing fertility issues feel supported and feel they do not need to suffer in silence. 

Provide education and training about the reality of fertility treatments and it's impact on mental health and emotional well-being. 

Create safe spaces in the workplace so employees feel empowered to support those facing fertility struggles.

Empower organizations to become fertility-friendly employers of choice. They can then attract, engage, and retain top talent. 


I am passionate about delivering workshops that drive real change. They are outcome-focused and designed to engage, educate and deliver a lasting ROI. With a practical, fun and action-orientated approach, we will work together to achieve the results you are seeking. 

An idea of what we will cover: All packages are bespoke and designed for your companies individual needs. 

  • An introduction to assisted reproduction and the different types of infertility
  • The different levels of impact associated with infertility; Physical, mental and emotional
  • Common misconceptions and unhelpful comments that may be experienced in this space.
  • What a typical fertility cycle looks like
  • Why it matters in business
  • How to be a supportive employer
  • How to manage real life conversations



Workplace Fertility - Not Just Women’s Business (1 hour)


Fertility Plus Career - Let’s Find the Balance (1hour)


Fertility Friendly Workplace Intensive 
(half day)


“Words do two major things: they provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness” Jim Rohn.

I know how important it is to get the right speaker for your event or conference! I am passionate about delivering something to your audience that is high energy and will ignite action. 

Through my engaging and thought provoking talks I will bring my energy and enthusiasm with valuable insights into how we view the modern workplace especially though the lens of employee emotional wellbeing. 

I don’t believe one size fits all so I can design a unique keynote to ensure your individual needs are met.

Ready to start?

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Certified Practitioner Time Line Therapy®

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